Monday, July 28, 2008

Monday: Sunday's Weekday Equivalent

It's strange to experience sitting under the stars at night and realizing I'm looking at constellations unknown to the US population. On a clear one, the Milky Way is incredibly prevalent; in fact, the sky's contents are all much brighter down here in the South Pacific. 

It's funny to think you all keep on going about your daily routines while I'm here, and that time hasn't frozen North of the equator since June 24th. I try to picture all the little details, like Curtis and Matt buying lunch meat at Safeway (peppered turkey, most likely), Simone waking up hungover with half of last night's costume still on, and Erin sitting with Jeff in the evening (hopefully watching something badass) as something little and fierce kicks inside her. 

It's scary to get up every morning and wonder if I'll understand even half of what's said to me in a thick Kiwi accent . Usually I do, though the exact percentage varies depending on alcohol consumption and/or how intrigued I am by the speaker. 

It's shocking to realize how much more I like you all after we've been separated for some time. I'm having fun, but I can't wait to get back and make the most of my fleeting youth (I mean, Christ, I'm only 19 years away from 40). I've managed to surround myself with some really cool people, and I need to stop taking you for granted. 

It's boring to have to come up with new stuff to type for my blog every few days. After a while, I end up settling for uninformative, unconventional drivel like this. Wohoo. 


Jeff said...

Dude. Not boring at all. Still highly entertaining reading. And yeah, the fierce little person in Erin's belly is going to town. We think it'll only be a couple more weeks probably. Maybe three at the outside. As for watching something badass...we watched Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer last night. Spectacularly short of badass I might say, but still mildly entertaining. You do what you can to get by until the great ones come along...

Jeff said...

P.S. - Erin and I decided that being mentioned by name in a blog based out of New Zealand makes us feel exceptionally rockstar-ish. Thanks.

AJ Evert said...

Hey you two... such special treatment is what happens when one of you is, like, my sole commentator. Curtis and Simone also won at the ole' name drop, but notice they've yet to say anything. Bastards.

curtis said...

wow! hey now, i have commented on several posts, but as for your drab dribble ill keep on reading if there are post for me to read. And am I really that perdictable? oh man maybe I should get salsa turkey to mix it up, and maybe Ill stop buying Natural Light!(well maybe i wont go that far).

simone said...

am i really that predictable? you know me too well.